Crystal Street

Crystal Street

I'm an advocate, artist & academic exploring the intersections of humanity, technology & the mystical. I study Tantra Yoga & Buddhism. I've worked in web3 since 2017 as a community & comms expert.
Disruption is Messy

Disruption is Messy

We now face a backlash that is powered by serious corporate and governmental resources. Weaponized algorithms refined and effectively deployed during the Trump years are now fully operational and can interject polarization into almost any community, conversation or collective.
5 min read
Drugged By Algorithms

Drugged By Algorithms

Now we’re talking about the real life consequences of people reading “freedom from mask” posts created by Russian bot farms halfway around the world and people are going into public empowered to ignore science and data, putting entire communities at risk of death.
5 min read
Mind Your Data Exhaust

Mind Your Data Exhaust

Did we really sell ourselves out for the sheer convenience of having the world in our pockets? Did we really allow corporations into our intimate space in order to get next day free shipping on our toothpaste and almond butter?
3 min read
Protest images from the Women's March in DC in 2022.

Our Story of Separation

The monetary system as we know it is an engine for growth. Our system exploits nature and converts those natural resources into products. We take relationships and convert them into services.
6 min read